Creating greater value for the family

The Task
To further develop the Samsung Enterprise Partner Program e-commerce portal delivering a range of new enterprise partner and their employees. Then create and execute a on-going campaigns to drive registration and on-going sales pipeline.

Develop a refreshed and more engaging creative platform that encapsulates the benefits to the target audience at both management and employee level. Deliver these communications through our CRM/Marketing automation and data platform to encourage registration and then provide exclusive offers on an on-going basis supported by range of personalised social assets for partners to utilise


Tick | engaging - Data-driven B2B marketing

Web Dev

Tick | engaging - Data-driven B2B marketing


Tick | engaging - Data-driven B2B marketing


Tick | engaging - Data-driven B2B marketing

Channel Strategy

Tick | engaging - Data-driven B2B marketing


Tick | engaging - Data-driven B2B marketing


Tick | engaging - Data-driven B2B marketing

CRM/Marketing Automation

Tick | engaging - Data-driven B2B marketing


Open rates across email events


Click rates


Increase in registrations

Samsung Family Value

Samsung family value | engaging - Data-driven B2B marketing
Samsung family value | engaging - Data-driven B2B marketing
Samsung family value | engaging - Data-driven B2B marketing
Samsung Family value Campaign | engaging - Data-driven B2B marketing
Samsung Family Value | engaging - Data-driven B2B marketing
Samsung Family Value | engaging - Data-driven B2B marketing
Samsung family value | engaging - Data-driven B2B marketing
Samsung interactive PDF | engaging - Data-driven B2B marketing

New Product Hand Raiser

Samsung Flip launch campaign | engaging - Data-driven B2B marketing

New Product Launch

Samsung | engaging - Data-driven B2B marketing
Samsung Family Value Campaign | engaging - Data-driven B2B marketing

70% click rate for pre registered vs 11% unregistered


Samsung A3 campaign | engaging - Data-driven B2B marketing
Samsung Flash Sale Campaign | engaging - Data-driven B2B marketing
Samsung Black Friday Campaign | engaging - Data-driven B2B marketing
Samsung Summer up Campaign | engaging - Data-driven B2B marketing
Samsung Easter | engaging - Data-driven B2B marketing